Creating A Harmonious Color Scheme with HSL
with Jeremy Osborn, Director of Learning at Aquent Gymnasium
Learn how to create a pleasing analogous color scheme using the HSL color system with this tutorial.
Video Transcript
Creating A Harmonious Color Scheme with HSL
with Jeremy Osborn, Director of Learning at Aquent Gymnasium
In this tutorial, you’re going to use the HSL color system in order to create a unique and harmonious color scheme. You’re going to start with this drab design here and end up with the more colorful one as seen here. Now here’s the URL to a CodePen project where you can follow along, although that link is also available in the Resources section for this video. And to begin, here is the magic number 30. If you forget everything else about this tutorial, just remember that number, and you’re going to see why shortly.
In your CSS, first find the .card
style on line 20, then the background-color
property on line 23. Then replace that hexadecimal value with the following syntax for an HSL color in CSS: hsl
parenthesis 210
for the hue, then add a comma, 100%
for the saturation, comma and then 50%
for the lightness, being sure to add a closing parenthesis if needed.
For example:
background-color: hsl(210,100%,50%);
And the result, here we have a nice vibrant blue background.
To explain, let’s begin with a color wheel representing all of the hue values in the HSL color system. If you start at 0 degrees, you get red, and as you go around the wheel, you’ll hit all the other colors of the spectrum until you end up back at red at 360 degrees. Dividing the wheel equally by six gives you complementary colors, so 180 degrees from red is pure cyan, magenta and green are also opposites, as are blue and yellow. Dividing these six sections in half gives us 12, and how many degrees would you guess this section is. Yes, you know it, 30, our magic number.
So it turns out adding or subtracting 30 degrees will always shift the value to a different color on the spectrum. So your shade of blue at 210, for example, is exactly 30 degrees between pure blue and cyan. Next, saturation, which ranges from 0, completely desaturated to 100%, the most intense version of your color. And to see this, reduce your saturation by 30% to a value of 70% and then reduce it again by 30% to 40 for a more subdued color.
Now onto lightness, which is the amount of white or black mixed in with the color. So 0% is always going to be black and 100% is always going to be white. 50% is going to be the normal or base color. Now here’s an example of how to use lightness. So running a color contrast test reveals that white text on this blue background fails when small text is being used, so it’s going to be too hard for some people to read. However, changing the lightness value from 50% to 45% creates enough contrast to pass. Yay. So this is an example of how HSL color is intuitive. When you separate hue, saturation, and lightness everything becomes easier to understand and control.
Now, by the way, just be sure to update this new lightness value of 45% in your code. The magic number 30 also allows you to create pleasing color combinations. Start with your primary color 210, and then find the two colors 30 degrees to each side, 180 and 240, and you’ve just entered the world of color theory. This is an analogous color scheme, which is just fancy talk for saying these three colors work well together. Now there’s entire books written about color theory and color schemes, so go to the Resources section for this video to learn more.
Back in your project, copy the HSL color value here, scroll down to line 82 and replaces the hexadecimal color for the button. And remember, you have two numbers to choose from. So let’s try 240 first, and I can’t say I love it, so let’s try 180. Ah, much better. I can work with this, but let’s go ahead and change the gray border around the image to see how all three colors work together.
Scroll to line 53 and replace this value with your HSL color, and let’s go ahead and use the 240 value that we tried earlier for the button, and although the purple does harmonize, I feel like it could also be improved, and that’s where saturation and lightness come in. So I’m going to try 25% saturation, and then change the lightness value to 65%. And I feel like that’s in a pretty good place, but you can feel free to experiment on your own.
That’s it. If you like this video, be sure to check out our other Take 5 tutorials, as well as the rest of our course catalog, at Gymnasium.